
This research roadmap is a product of NCHRP Project 08-36(134) Transportation Asset Management Research Roadmap. The roadmap seeks to guide future transportation asset management research efforts in productive directions, responding to identified priorities, gaps, and overlap with other ongoing or proposed efforts. The objectives of NCHRP Project 08-36(134) are to:

  • Develop a Transportation Asset Management (TAM) research roadmap that will inform future research and development activities to be undertaken by the transportation industry, and
  • Build on the strategic plan developed by the Federal Highway Administration TAM Expert Task Group (FHWA TAM ETG).

In order to further these objectives, the roadmap was developed as an integrated part of this website: the AASHTO TAM Portal. As a part of this website, the research roadmap is also connected to a database of recent TAM resources, providing an integrated entry point for practitioners to access a wide range of information on current, recent, and potential future TAM research.

To submit a new research topic or concept, visit the Submit a Research Topic page.

Project Status
High-Level Subjects
Funding Sources
