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The objectives of this project, NCHRP 14-09(4) Role of Highway Maintenance in Integrated Management Systems, were to design an idealized Maintenance Management ...
NCHRP Project 08-103, Implementing NCHRP Report 806: Guide to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on Transportation System Performance, aimed to impl...
The objective of this research was to develop a TAM gap analysis tool for state DOT and local transportation practitioners to facilitate their implementation of...
The objective of TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 08-36(Task 128) was to evaluate Design Visualization Methods and their appl...
NCHRP Report 866: Return on Investment in Transportation Asset Management Systems and Practices presents guidance for estimating the ROI for adopting or expandi...
The TAM Financial Planner tool was developed through NCHRP Project 19-12: Guide for Financial Planning and Management in Support of Transportation Asset Managem...
This risk register spreadsheet tool was developed for use by state transportation agencies through NCHRP Project 08-36/126. The tool is now available for downlo...
This report presents a framework for transit agencies to use for prioritizing capital asset rehabilitation and replacement decisions. By applying this framework...
The 2011 AASHTO guide introduced an Excel-based Gap Analysis Tool to illustrate the application of a gap analysis to identify and prioritize needed enhancements...
The objective of this research was to develop a guidebook and tool prototype that senior DOT managers may use to analyze and communicate the likely system perfo...
This report presents models for estimating the effects of pavement condition on vehicle operating costs. These models address fuel consumption, tire wear, and r...
This report presents a logic framework for allocating limited highway asset preservation funds among competing demands to achieve high levels of system performa...
This project developed two software tools to support tradeoff analysis for transportation asset management. The CD-ROM, which accompanies National Cooperative H...