TAM Webinar 9: Developing Transportation Asset Management Plans


Subjects addressed:

General/TAM Practice

Topics addressed:

Asset Management Plans

Asset types addressed:



Title: TAM Webinar 9: Developing Transportation Asset Management Plans
Resource type: Webinar
Year published: 2014
Publisher: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
URL: http://connect.spypondpartners.com/aashto/docs/webinars/09/webinar9.pdf

9th in the Transportation Asset Management Webinar Series. FHWA is pleased to sponsor this webinar on developing transportation asset management plans, in cooperation with the AASHTO Sub-Committee on Asset Management. These presentations address a topic that all state DOTs are following closely: Under MAP-21, state DOTs will soon be required to develop and implement a risk-based transportation asset management plan. FHWA is working to help support agencies in this process. A video of the webinar is available at https://youtu.be/d8AIcehxhWE.
You can learn more about the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series at: https://old.tam-portal.com/tam-webinars/.