Utilizing Geospatial Tools to Collect and Analyze Asset Data in the City of Manchester, New Hampshire


Subjects addressed:

Data Management and Integration

Topics addressed:

Data Collection Tools/Technologies, GIS/Visualization

Asset types addressed:



Title: Utilizing Geospatial Tools to Collect and Analyze Asset Data in the City of Manchester, New Hampshire
Resource type: Presentation
Year published: 2016
Publisher: TRB
URL: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/conferences/2016/AssetMgt/7.KatherineKeegan.pdf

This presentation focuses on data collection methods in the city of Manchester, New Hampshire. It begins by introducing the city and the challenges it currently faces and then transitions into discussion about the city's pavement and asset data collection approach. Manchester recently implemented an enterprise asset management system, eventually collecting data on all city owned and maintained streets. This resulted in an drastic increase in asset management efficiency.