TAM Webinar 28: TAM Financial Plans and Investment Strategies


Subjects addressed:

Financial Management/Asset Valuation, General/TAM Practice

Topics addressed:

Asset Management Plans

Asset types addressed:



Title: TAM Webinar 28: TAM Financial Plans and Investment Strategies
Resource type: Webinar
Year published: 2017
Publisher: FHWA & AASHTO
URL: https://old.tam-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Webinar-28-Final.pdf

This is the third in a four-part TAM webinar miniseries, Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Plan, focused on understanding federal requirements that guide TAMP development. This third webinar addresses TAM financial plans and investment strategies. Speakers include:
• Bill Robert (Spy Pond Partners, LLC)
• William Johnson (Colorado DOT)
• Matthew Swift (Oklahoma DOT)

Webinar slides are available here: https://old.tam-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Webinar-28-Final.pdf.
Webinar video is available here: https://old.tam-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/tam-webinar-28.mp4.

You can learn more about the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series at: https://old.tam-portal.com/tam-webinars/.