TAM Webinar 18: Coordinating Across Plans


Subjects addressed:

General/TAM Practice

Topics addressed:

Asset Management Plans, Guidance/Lessons Learned

Asset types addressed:



Title: TAM Webinar 18: Coordinating Across Plans
Resource type: Webinar
Year published: 2015
Publisher: AASHTO and FHWA
URL: https://old.tam-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/TAMwebinar18-12092015.pdf

This webinar addresses the relationship between a transportation asset management plan and other transportation plans, including: the long-range transportation plan, safety plan, freight plan, and more. Presentations from transportation practitioners will highlight multi-agency perspectives and discuss examples of successful coordination across plans. This webinar complements and expands upon the recent AASHTO/FHWA TAM webinar addressing transportation asset management in the context of the performance-based planning process. 

Webinar slides are available here. Video is available here.
You can learn more about the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series at: https://old.tam-portal.com/tam-webinars/.