TAM Webinar 12: Transportation Asset Management Financial Plans


Subjects addressed:

Financial Management/Asset Valuation, General/TAM Practice

Topics addressed:

Asset Management Plans

Asset types addressed:


Title: TAM Webinar 12: Transportation Asset Management Financial Plans
Resource type: Webinar
Year published: 2015
Publisher: FHWA and AASHTO
URL: http://connect.spypondpartners.com/aashto/docs/webinars/12/TAMwebinar12-1008.pdf

This webinar will provide a practical introduction to transportation asset management and financial plans in the context of MAP-21. It will address the linkages between financial plans and asset management programs. As part of this webinar, presenters will discuss the both the challenges and the benefits of developing a transportation asset management financial plan. Presentations will also include consideration of relevant lessons from the experiences of international agencies that may be applicable to state DOTs. A video is available here: https://youtu.be/mjtshwKSHn4.
You can learn more about the FHWA/AASHTO TAM Webinar series at: https://old.tam-portal.com/tam-webinars/.