Streamlining Assessment and Capital Planning with Standardization, Coordination, and New Technologies


Subjects addressed:

Financial Management/Asset Valuation, Life Cycle Costing/Economic Analysis, Maintenance and Preservation

Topics addressed:

Analytical Tools and Models

Asset types addressed:



Title: Streamlining Assessment and Capital Planning with Standardization, Coordination, and New Technologies
Resource type: Presentation
Year published: 2012
Publisher: Transportation Research Board

Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority’s Approach to: Implement a single MARTA-wide system for condition-based asset replacement, using a consistent set of prioritization criteria; Provide a continual flow of information for establishing the priority of capital initiatives properly aligned with MARTA’s Strategic Priorities; Establish a systematic program to prioritize and identify projects in the long-range Capital Improvement Plan; and Deliver projects using the most cost effective delivery method for the application; ensure deliverables required to manage the investment over its complete life cycle are accounted for. Presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management: Making Asset Management Work in Your Organization, April 16-18, 2012, San Diego, California.