SF Bay Area Regional Asset Management – 2018 San Diego TRB TAM Conference


Subjects addressed:

General/TAM Practice, Performance Measurement and Management, Resource Allocation and Program Development

Topics addressed:

Analytical Tools and Models, Asset Management Plans, Guidance/Lessons Learned

Asset types addressed:

General, Pavement, Transit


Title: SF Bay Area Regional Asset Management – 2018 San Diego TRB TAM Conference
Resource type: Conference ProceedingsPresentation
Year published: 2018
Publisher: TRB
URL: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/Conferences/2018/AssetManagement/RommelAsset101.pdf

This presentation from the 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management addresses the development of regional asset management for the San Francisco Bay Area, by an MPO. Details tools used, local and regional initiatives implemented for transit and pavement asset management, as well as measures taken to comply with MAP-21 guidelines.