Role of Highway Maintenance in Integrated Management Systems (NCHRP 14-09(4))


Subjects addressed:

Data Management and Integration, Maintenance and Preservation

Topics addressed:

Management Information Systems

Asset types addressed:



Title: Role of Highway Maintenance in Integrated Management Systems (NCHRP 14-09(4))
Resource type: Research ReportTool
Year published: 1994
Publisher: TRB

The objectives of this project, NCHRP 14-09(4) Role of Highway Maintenance in Integrated Management Systems, were to design an idealized Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS) based on data available from all transportation information systems and develop a guide to assist state transportation agencies in moving toward implementation. 
The final report has been published as NCHRP Report 363, "Role of Highway Maintenance in Integrated Management Systems." This report outlines a framework for integrating maintenance management with other highway and administrative management functions. This framework considers the next generation of maintenance management systems, and how they must respond to the organizational, political, and technological trends that have emerged in recent years.
The report can be found at