Minnesota DOT: Roadside Infrastructure Life Cycle Planning – 2018 San Diego TRB TAM Conference


Subjects addressed:

General/TAM Practice, Inventory and Condition Assessment, Life Cycle Costing/Economic Analysis, Maintenance and Preservation, Performance Measurement and Management

Topics addressed:

Analytical Tools and Models, Asset Management Plans, Guidance/Lessons Learned

Asset types addressed:

General, Other Assets


Title: Minnesota DOT: Roadside Infrastructure Life Cycle Planning – 2018 San Diego TRB TAM Conference
Resource type: Conference ProceedingsPresentation
Year published: 2018
Publisher: TRB
URL: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/Conferences/2018/AssetManagement/StefanskiLifeCyclePlanning.pdf

This presentation from the 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management addresses Minnesota DOT's Roadside Infrastructure Assets TAMP development. Details importance of including roadside assets, and how to incorporate life cycle planning in the process. Provides agency examples (spreadsheets and results), as well as best practices.