Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Approach to Developing Maintenance Cost Models for Its Infrastructure Based on Asset Condition Data


Subjects addressed:

Data Management and Integration, Inventory and Condition Assessment, Maintenance and Preservation

Topics addressed:

Analytical Tools and Models, Asset Management Plans, Data Collection Tools/Technologies

Asset types addressed:



Title: Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Approach to Developing Maintenance Cost Models for Its Infrastructure Based on Asset Condition Data
Resource type: Presentation
Year published: 2016
Publisher: TRB
URL: http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/conferences/2016/AssetMgt/90.DaveSolsrud.pdf

This presentation from the Minnesota Department of Transportation focuses on the improvement of maintenance models to help predict life cycle cost scenarios, capital investment scenarios, and budgeting for multiple asset classes. It provides an example of the software and models used in these situations and the processes that are used.