Louisiana DOTD 2018 TAMP


Subjects addressed:

Financial Management/Asset Valuation, General/TAM Practice, Inventory and Condition Assessment, Life Cycle Costing/Economic Analysis, Maintenance and Preservation, Performance Measurement and Management, Risk Management

Topics addressed:

Asset Management Plans

Asset types addressed:

Bridge, General, Pavement


Title: Louisiana DOTD 2018 TAMP
Resource type: TAMP
Year published:
Publisher: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
URL: https://www.tamptemplate.org/tamp/036_louisianadotd/

The 2018 Louisiana DOTD TAMP presents how the state proposes to allocate limited funding resources to bridge and pavement management needs. It provides an overview of the state's TAM principles and tools, existing guiding documents, and current inventory and conditions of pavement and bridges.