Subjects addressed:
Financial Management/Asset Valuation, General/TAM Practice, Performance Measurement and ManagementTopics addressed:
Analytical Tools and Models, Asset Management Plans, CommunicationsAsset types addressed:
Bridge, PavementDetail
Title: Highway Economic Requirements System-State (HERS-ST) The Indiana ExperienceResource type: Research Report
Year published: 2006
Publisher: FHWA
This case study documents Indiana DOT's development of an asset management program. The program that proved to be most helpful for economic analysis at INDOT was HERS, an investment-performance model that was developed into a personalized format titled HERS-IN. Integration of HERS-IN, along with a suite of other tools, has allowed INDOT to build a comprehensive asset management program.This report is part of the FHWA Office of Asset Management's series of case studies on TAM, produced with the goal of sharing information between agencies to improve efficiency.