Georgia DOT – 2014 Transportation Asset Management Plan


Subjects addressed:

Financial Management/Asset Valuation, Life Cycle Costing/Economic Analysis, Maintenance and Preservation, Performance Measurement and Management, Resource Allocation and Program Development

Topics addressed:

Asset Management Plans

Asset types addressed:

Bridge, General, Pavement


Title: Georgia DOT – 2014 Transportation Asset Management Plan
Resource type: TAMP
Year published:
Publisher: Georgia DOT

This document, published in 2014, is focused around the strategic goals of Georgia DOT, which are outlined with their long-term outcomes and an investment strategy. In order to establish asset management principles at the agency, a self-assessment survey was provided to the agency divisions and issues to be addressed were identified using the results. The document then establishes a link between the agency’s strategic plan and performance levels of service. The document also summarizes TAM practices to date and describes the agency’s goals for implementing asset management in the future.