Subjects addressed:
General/TAM Practice, Life Cycle Costing/Economic AnalysisTopics addressed:
Analytical Tools and ModelsAsset types addressed:
Highway Lighting, Other AssetsDetail
Title: Development of a Guide for Replacement of Roadway Lighting with New Lighting TechnologiesResource type: Research Report
Year published: 2013
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
The development of a simple guide for approaches to roadway lighting replacement in New York State is described. These approaches use new light source technologies that maintain visibility for safety while reducing energy use. Several roadway types were evaluated in the development of the guide, including parkways, residential streets, and rural intersections. A review of published literature and a survey of transportation engineers in New York State were also conducted. On the basis of this information and data on new light source technologies, recommendations for replacing roadway lighting systems were developed. Analyses of the visual efficacy produced by different lighting systems under nighttime conditions and of the performance characteristics of light-emitting diode and induction fluorescent lighting systems resulted in recommendations for replacement of high-pressure sodium (HPS) lighting systems. Several new light sources that produce whiter light than the incumbent HPS technology used on most roadways have been developed and significantly improved in the past decade. In combination with recent information about driver and pedestrian vision under nighttime conditions, using these sources could result in energy savings ranging from about 7% to 50% for different roadway types. Energy savings for isolated rural intersections could depend on the level of pedestrian traffic expected.