Caltrans: SHOPPing for Assets – 2018 San Diego TRB TAM Conference


Subjects addressed:

Data Management and Integration, Financial Management/Asset Valuation, Inventory and Condition Assessment, Life Cycle Costing/Economic Analysis, Maintenance and Preservation, Organizational Factors, Performance Measurement and Management, Resource Allocation and Program Development, Risk Management

Topics addressed:

Analytical Tools and Models, Data Collection Tools/Technologies, GIS/Visualization, Guidance/Lessons Learned

Asset types addressed:

ADA Ramps, Bridge, Drainage and Stormwater, Pavement


Title: Caltrans: SHOPPing for Assets – 2018 San Diego TRB TAM Conference
Resource type: Conference ProceedingsPresentation
Year published: 2018
Publisher: TRB

This presentation from the 12th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management is an account of asset management at Caltrans; how to manage change, new roles, and data. Includes overview and examples of Caltrans' SHOPP tool.