A Generic Framework for the Management of Road-Related Assets


Subjects addressed:

General/TAM Practice, Performance Measurement and Management

Topics addressed:

Analytical Tools and Models, Asset Management Plans

Asset types addressed:

Drainage and Stormwater, General, Geotechnical, Highway Lighting, ITS Assets, Other Assets, Pavement, Pavement Markings and Rumble Strips, Retaining Walls, Traffic Barriers, Traffic Signals, Traffic Signs, Tunnels


Title: A Generic Framework for the Management of Road-Related Assets
Resource type: Research Report
Year published: 2013
Publisher: ARRB Group Limited
URL: https://www.onlinepublications.austroads.com.au/items/AP-R447-13

This report provides a generic framework for the management of road-related assets. In recent times, road agencies have made a shift from being road builders to road managers. This change has ensured that road agencies need to accept responsibility for, and embrace the management of, all road-related assets (RRAs), not only pavements and structures. The framework is applicable to any RRA. It consists of three blocks of inputs into the core strategy. The input blocks are organisation strategic plans, organisation and business processes, and performance monitoring, review and feedback. The core strategy consists of four stages: asset management (AM) policy development, AM strategy development, AM plans development, and the delivery of AM plans or actions. Continuous improvement is maintained through a Plan-Do-Check-Act loop. The framework also correlates well with the process of reliability-centred maintenance that has a focus on assessing criticality and in deciding on how to "do the most good". This report lists the various RRA groups and asset types in each group. The RRA types were assessed and rated based on risk. RRAs with high risk ratings were identified for future research to develop specific asset management strategies using the generic framework.