Status: Candidate
Potential Funding: AASHTO Committee Research/FHWA/NCHRP 08-36/NCHRP 20-24/NCHRP Domestic Scan/NCHRP Full Program/NCHRP Synthesis/Other/Transportation Pooled Fund Project/USDOT/Unspecified
The relationships between TAM and economic development, safety, mobility, etc. need to be better understood. This will help activities such and the connectivity between long range plans, transportation improvement programs, and transportation asset management plans. Research and evaluation of agency practice and results is required to consider how these agency activities and expenditures relate back to an agency’s goals and objectives. For example, how do system-wide goals for level of service and condition translate into individual project selection and asset management application? This research will focus on understanding the TAM relationships to broader transportation goals and how best to make the connections stronger from planning, programming, project delivery, to maintenance/operations.
Objectives:This research will focus on understanding TAM’s relationship to other transportation goals such as economic development, safety, environmental sustainability, mobility, and livability. Two products are sought through this research: 1) Framework for understanding the relationships between TAM and broad transportation goals. 2) Guidance on how to ensure TAM connectivity to broad transportation goals throughout the transportation decision-making cycle.
Research Plan:As part of this research, the contractor will research domestic and international frameworks for TAM’s relationships with broad transportation goals. These frameworks should be described in sufficient detail with visuals aids to communicate these relationships. The contractor will work in cooperation with the project panel in identifying the best framework for communicating the relationship between TAM and broad transportation goals. Based on this interaction with and feedback from the panel, the contractor will then develop guidance on how these relationships can more explicitly be used during the planning, programming, project delivery, and maintenance/operations process to maximize TAM benefits. Other issues that should be considered include the following: (1) What are the performance measures for understanding the relationships; and (2) are there quantitative ways to demonstrate how these relationships can be influenced?
Duration: 12-18 months
Project Budget: $150,000
Topics: Guidance/Lessons Learned
Subjects: General/TAM Practice, Organizational Factors, Performance Measurement and Management