march, 2017

This is a repeating event

03mar10:0011:302017 AASHTO-TRB TAM Committee Monthly MeetingMonthly Business Meeting10:00 - 11:30 EST Event Type :Meeting,Webinar


Event Details

The AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset Management and the TRB Asset Management Committee will begin holding monthly business meetings to better facilitate conversation/discussion on transportation asset management issues and disseminate information. The monthly meetings will occur on the first Friday of each month from 10:00am to 11:30am EASTERN. In order to participate you must register here:


Any documents and handouts will be posted to this website (; however, no recordings of the monthly meetings will be made. There will be a standing agenda that we follow each month though it may change as needed:
PART 1: BUSINESS MEETINGS (lines muted) 
1)      Chair Remarks 
2)      Agency Updates 
a)      FHWA 
b)      AASHTO 
c)       TRB 
3)      TRB Subcommittee Updates 
4)      TAM Research Project Updates 
5)      Old/New Business 
6)      Upcoming Events 
a)      Conferences 
b)      Peer Exchanges and Workshops 
c)       Training 
PART 2: DISCUSSION (lines open for discussion) 
7)      Monthly TAM Topic 
8)      Open Discussion 
9)      Summary and Next Steps


(Friday) 10:00 - 11:30
