
The calendar includes listings for conferences, meetings, webinars, peer exchanges and other events of interest to the transportation asset management community. Click on any event title to learn more about the event. Event details include time and location, a brief description, maps and directions, and – where available – a downloadable link to add the event to your calendar.

You can also use the calendar to browse past events and link directly to event details.

If you would like to add an upcoming event to the calendar, please visit the Submit an Event page to send us the event information or get in touch with us by email.

Event Calendar

february, 2025

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february, 2025

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february, 2025

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january 2016

10janAll Day142016 TRB Annual Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Conference

20jan14:0015:30Integrating TAM into Agency Processes (TAM ETG Webinar Series)14:00 - 15:30 EST Event Type :TAM ETG,Webinar

february 2016

10feb14:0015:30FeaturedTAM Webinar 19: Data Acquisition, Collection, and Methods14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

march 2016

09mar14:0015:30Asset Management Webinar: Management of Geotech Assets14:00 - 15:30 EST Event Type :Webinar

30marAll Day31FeaturedFHWA Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group Meeting(All Day) CST Event Type :Meeting


january 2015

10janAll DayData Analysis Working Group Forum on Pavement Performance Data Analysis(All Day: saturday) Event Type :Workshop

11janAll Day152015 TRB Annual Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Conference

february 2015

11feb14:0015:30TAM Webinar 14: Linking the TAM Guide to the Planning Process14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

march 2015

10mar14:3015:30Let’s Talk Performance Webinar 2: Fundamentals of Transportation Data Part 114:30 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

11mar14:0015:30Target Setting in Asset Management Plans (TAM ETG Webinar Series)14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM ETG,Webinar

23marAll Day262015 Joint Rail Conference(All Day) Event Type :Conference

april 2015

08apr14:0015:30TAM Webinar 15: Lessons Learned from Developing a Transportation Asset Management Plan14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

30aprAll Day01mayFHWA Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Meeting

may 2015

30aprAll Day01mayFHWA Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Meeting

13may13:0015:00AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset Management Annual Meeting13:00 - 15:00 Event Type :Meeting

13may14:0015:30Transportation Asset Management 101 for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (TAM ETG Webinar Series)14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM ETG,Webinar

31may08:0016:00Fine-Tuning Your Transportation Asset Management Program Workshop08:00 - 16:00 Event Type :Workshop

june 2015

01junAll Day025th International Transportation Systems Performance Measurement and Data for Decisions and Performance Measures Conference(All Day) Event Type :Conference

09jun14:3015:30Let’s Talk Performance Webinar 3: Fundamentals of Transportation Data Part 214:30 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

july 2015

08jul14:0015:30Network Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Part 1: Introduction and Overview (TAM ETG Webinar Series)14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM ETG,Webinar

august 2015

12aug14:0015:30TAM Webinar 16: Transportation Asset Management Financial Plans: Part II14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

september 2015

08sep14:3015:30Let’s Talk Performance Webinar 4: Telling the Performance Story14:30 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

09sep14:0015:30Network Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Part 2: Case Study Examples (TAM ETG Webinar Series)14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM ETG,Webinar

24sep14:0015:30TRB Webinar: Putting Transportation Asset Management Plans Into Practice in a State Department of Transportation14:00 - 15:30 EST Event Type :Webinar

october 2015

14oct14:0015:30TAM Webinar 17: Transportation Asset Management and Risk Management14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

november 2015

11nov14:0015:30Optimization and Cross-Asset Allocation (TAM ETG Webinar Series)14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM ETG,Webinar

17novAll Day18FHWA Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Meeting

december 2015

09dec14:0015:30FeaturedTAM Webinar 18: Coordinating Across Plans14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series


january 2014

12janAll Day162014 TRB Annual Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Conference

22jan14:0015:30TAM Webinar 8: Data Needs, Issues, and Governance for Improved Management of Highway Assets14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

march 2014

12mar14:0015:30TAM Webinar 9: Developing Transportation Asset Management Plans14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

april 2014

22apr(apr 22)08:0025(apr 25)16:00Third International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure08:00 - 16:00 (25) Event Type :Conference

28apr(apr 28)08:0030(apr 30)12:0010th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management08:00 - 12:00 (30) Event Type :Conference

may 2014

05may(may 5)08:0008(may 8)16:00AASHTO GIS for Transportation Symposium08:00 - 16:00 (8) Event Type :Conference

15may12:3014:00TRB Webinar: Transportation Asset Management Implementation Tips and Tricks12:30 - 14:00 Event Type :Webinar

19may14:0015:00TRB Webinar: Highlights from the “Tools and Technology Track” of the 10th National Transportation Asset Management Conference14:00 - 15:00 Event Type :Webinar

22may14:0015:30TRB Webinar: Peer to Peer: Detailed Looks at MAP-21 Asset Management Plan Pilot States14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

june 2014

12jun11:0012:30GIS for Transportation Asset Management – What DOT Managers Need to Know11:00 - 12:30 Event Type :Webinar

16jun11:0012:30GIS for Transportation Asset Management – Planning, Managing and Tracking Work11:00 - 12:30 Event Type :Webinar

23jun11:0012:30GIS for Transportation Asset Management – Developing Balanced Programs to Meet Performance Targets11:00 - 12:30 Event Type :Webinar

july 2014

09jul14:0015:30TAM Webinar 10: Approaches to Integrating Risk into TAM Programs and Plans14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

23jul(jul 23)08:0024(jul 24)16:00TRB Workshop on the Value of Transportation Infrastructure08:00 - 16:00 (24) Event Type :Workshop

august 2014

13aug14:0015:30TAM Webinar 11: Managing Off-System Assets14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

october 2014

08oct14:0015:30TAM Webinar 12: Transportation Asset Management Financial Plans14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

14oct(oct 14)08:0016(oct 16)16:00International Symposium on Pavement Life Cycle Assessment 201408:00 - 16:00 (16) Event Type :Workshop

21oct(oct 21)08:0024(oct 24)16:00AMPO Annual Conference08:00 - 16:00 (24) Event Type :Conference

22oct02:0015:30TRB Webinar: Practical Structural Health Monitoring for Bridge Owners02:00 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

november 2014

05novAll Day06FHWA Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Meeting

06nov01:0014:00TRB Webinar: Obtaining Return on Investment from Structural Health Monitoring01:00 - 14:00 Event Type :Webinar

12nov13:0014:30TRB Webinar: Summary of Recent Stormwater Research Funded by NCHRP13:00 - 14:30 Event Type :Webinar

17nov13:0015:00TRB Webinar: Implementation of International-Roughness-Index-based Smoothness Specifications for Bridges and Approaches: Lessons Learned13:00 - 15:00 Event Type :Webinar

december 2014

03decAll Day052014 National Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Conference(All Day) Event Type :Conference

09dec14:3015:30Let’s Talk Performance Webinar 1: Theory vs. Practice: Linking Performance Measures to Improved Performance Outcomes14:30 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

10dec14:0015:30TAM Webinar 13: Review of TAM Resources Available to Practitioners14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

15dec14:0015:30TRB Webinar: Data Business Planning – Applying AASHTO's Data Principles14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :Webinar

17dec11:0012:30TRB Webinar: Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Chloride Roadway Deicers on the Natural Environment11:00 - 12:30 Event Type :Webinar


january 2013

09jan14:0015:30TAM Webinar 2: Asset Management and Performance Management14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

13janAll Day172013 TRB Annual Meeting(All Day) Event Type :Conference

march 2013

13mar14:0015:30TAM Webinar 3: Asset Management Business Models and Barriers to Implementation14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

may 2013

08may14:0015:30TAM Webinar 4: Asset Management and Risk Management14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

july 2013

10jul14:0015:30TAM Webinar 5: Asset Management and Performance-based Planning14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

september 2013

18sep14:0015:30TAM Webinar 6: Addressing Asset Preservation and Maintenance in Asset Management Plans14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

november 2013

13nov14:0015:30TAM Webinar 7: Asset Management and Adaptation to Climate Change and Extreme Weather14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series


december 2012

05dec14:0015:30TAM Webinar 1: Asset Management and Safety14:00 - 15:30 Event Type :TAM Webinar Series

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